Thursday, November 02, 2006

don't live in a prison!

This morning, I started re-reading "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron, and this book has brought home to me how much I (and I believe many people) choose to live in a prison of their own minds.

What do I mean? Well, I'm a ruthless taskmaster for myself. I forced myself -- made myself -- tortured myself -- into finishing my Ph.D. Okay, I had some fun too along the way, but I was a strict disciplinarian.

You have to be if you want to finish a Ph.D!

The results of such a disciplined way of life are many. The most important result? Somewhere along the way, I forgot to have fun and be creative.

Julia Cameron writes "I teach people to let themselves be creative." This is the key to enjoying life: allowing yourself to be creative.

We are all creative. So, let's let ourselves out of our self-made prisons!


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