Sunday, October 05, 2008

New goals

What do I really want to do in life? The trick is to decide and then stick with that decision. Hmm. Why don’t I do that? I keep making a decision, motor along well for a while with that decision, and then change my mind!

I was darned sure that I wanted to be a teacher. I worked hard for two years reading educational texts (can’t say I enjoyed those much), and passed that degree with flying colours.

Good for me!

Then, after three unsuccessful interviews - unsuccessful meaning I didn’t get the jobs - I’m all ready to give up and try something new. What does this mean? I’m fickle? I can’t stick with a decision?

One day at a time. I’m trying to think up a motivating writing goal. The 100 day plan is working well for cello and piano, so it’s a possibility, and Nano works well with that.

The reality in our economy right now is that there are not a lot of jobs around, so what me worry. We’re okay for money, and something will work out in the end.

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We tried out tennis aerobics for the first time at “the bubble.” My first response was .. hey... where’s the change rooms.... then... what’s that loud echoing noise all around me? I was informed that it was the air circulator/heater. It took a while to get used to it, and gosh, why did I drink that cup of jo in the morning that’s making me dizzy and weird feeling. Then, into the tennis aerobics, and I was feeling great.

I highly recommend tennis aerobics, even if you’re not really into tennis.

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Lastly, the move has been made. My computer is sitting right here, upstairs, and I’m looking at trees, grass, and a yellow fire utility whatchamacallit.. Much better.

There’s light here, and a great picture of two wolves sitting on icy looking hills during a lightning storm. There’s inspiration for me! Also, need a new poster on my right. Will look for something inspiring.

One problem....My little one just brought up all my junk. Uh.oh.. The lair is spared, and my new habitat is now cluttered. Okay. It’s time to ditch the old broken disks, and rid the house of unneeded items. There’s a couple of hours work.

A demain. (Hey, maybe I’ll start practicing my French on this blog - that would be a great challenge. Just have to figure out how to do those accents.


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