
No more pencils, no more books
No more teachers’ dirty looks
Eternal student, close your books,
dog-eared, written in,
You forget it all, anyway
Don’t you?
Make change
Resume after resume
fractured lives, fractured soul
divided into neat, meaningless categories
Professional Experience
Professional Activities
Show them who you are
Or who you pretend to be
Or who you think they’ll want you to be
Pretend smiles, resolution,
Jargon, interviews, sucking up.
No answer
No response
Too many candidates
Who are you?
We don’t know you, do we?
We do know so-and-so
That’s the person who will get the job.
But nice of you to drop by
That’s what the secretary says
Or doesn’t say, but understands.
She smiles
Looks behind you
There’s another one
Clean white shirt
Blond hair
Young face
I’ve brought my resume, she says.
Walk back to your car
Gas wasted
Time wasted
You needs a strategy
Times are tough
Too much supply
Not enough demand
Can’t give up
Must play the game
Nasty game,
Mean old game
Winners and losers
Winner takes all
Wearing your husband’s sweater
A few minutes of
Comfort and Warmth
Find a new strategy
Write out your thoughts
Write out your plans
Try again
Sounds like you're having fun! ;p God, I remember printing off endless copies of resumes. There's a reason I'm still self-employed, despite the complete lack of financial security. Hopefully things will be looking up soon!
Btw - I rescued your comment from spam quarantine over on Saturday Scribes, so your link is now up.
- dr
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At least you are on the wheel - I am the trampled smear underneath its relentless tread . . . ha ha har.
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