back but no poetry yet
For some weird reason, I haven't felt like posting for a long time. But I just read P.Darcy's blog - and for another weird undefinable reason, it made me feel like posting.
I'm in the midst of my practicum - and enjoying teaching all the subjects I really hated when I was a kid - like gym and science. I've realized that these subjects are completely redeemable and very fun.
I taught the kids the "Virginia Reel" and they had a complete ball, giggling away, holding hands, and following the dance steps. Grade ones are extremely cute.
For tomorrow, I'll be teaching them a couple of games (blanket ball, and battleships, and a game called ten, which has build-on activities). I'm looking forward to it.
I'm also starting to recognize the signs of fatigue. When I start feeling down about various things (and boy, it's easy to get down about some issues!) the problem is usually that I'm overtired. My sister advised me to have a nap this afternoon, and she was so right. Sometimes all you need for a more positive outlook is a little sleep!
Till next time, and maybe I can find some poetry in my heart or on my bookshelves by them.