Thursday, September 27, 2007

Writing update and other stuff

Well, this morning I polished off Chapter 38. Yes, I'm over 300 pages now, and have starting fitting my pages into a new binder. Hurray. Chapter 36-38, admittedly, have been much easier going because I already wrote the material in them a long time ago. So I was editing, and moving material around. Still, it's chapter 38 and that's nothing to sniff at.

Attempt #1 at eating locally. Well, I took a quick look at the food that happened to be lying on my counter. ummm. My dried apricots come from turkey (don't we grow apricots in Ontario?). My prunes are made in Canada - somewhere - pretty large space that is. And my big bag of dates come from Pakistan. It's truly a shocker when you realize how far much of your food has travelled. But noticing this is the first step to changing it.

On a completely different note, what a great thing it is to ride silently in the car. I'm sick of all the AUDIO books, and decided to try silence. It's relaxing and quiet, and defintitely worth trying. By the time I reach my destination, I feel as though I've actually had some peaceful time with myself. It's a bit of a revelation for an AUDIO BOOK a phile like me.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So, What's stopping more of us from doing something "more" for our planet. Is it inertia? Indifference? Greed? Selfishness? Short-sightedness? Probably all of the above. And yet, another factor, I think, is fear. Why have I skimmed by the many books in our library that deal with global warming? Plain old fear. If you don't know about something, then there is nothing to be scared of, right? And ignoring problems really helps deal with them? Right? Of course these are weak arguments but some of us use them without thinking them through.

Some of them me. It's very scary to think about our planet 50 years from now if we go on as we are going. It's very scary to drive even down to Pickering on a smoggy day and you can't see the sunshine for the smog. But if we ignore the problem, the horror - and I mean horror - will be upon us and it will be too late.

So its time for me to get over my fear and get off my ...... I already do "some" things, like walk a lot rather than drive. But I need to do all I can, for the sake of my beautiful little girl who is going to be alive 50 years from now.

Wake up, Carol Anne. Wake up.